Heather Ruth is a Holistic Life Coach, Master Numerologist,

Reiki Practitioner, Conscious Guide, Speaker, Writer and Mama bear to two lights in this world.  

Heather has immersed herself in the ebb and flow of the universe by studying influences of numbers, consciousness, cultures, nature and spiritual connection. She has also dove heart first into the world of understanding Trauma ~ and how as coaches we can help those suffering break generation patterns and trauma.

As we heal we heal others especially our children. 

Heather has a grand vision of ending generational trauma; our children do not deserve to carry, unpack or resolve the struggles we have as parents. In this vision it’s Heather’s desire to see a world where our roots run deep, connection is felt and experienced daily through practices like meditation, journaling, contemplation and stillness.


My Story

I used to see the world as the glass is half empty, a lack mentality, a woe is me energy was always wafting through my existence.  


I marched to the drum of “life is hard” or “Why me again” and it felt like I was on a merry go round of all the turbulent pieces I could find swirling and twirling until I CRASHED! 


I suffered from the NOT ENOUGH, OR LACK MENTALITY that life was happening at me vs for me. Everything felt like a reaction versus a response, always operating on a rocky rough ocean of emotions…..I described life as a shattered puzzle with pieces strewn in all directions. 

Born and raised in the magnificent town of Terrace BC surrounded by all things nature…mountains, rivers, old growth forests I have always had a draw to these environments, they were healing in some ways.  Life growing up was pretty magical- my parents loved me I knew that, I had experienced loss of my grandfather at an early age compounded by my parents divorce.  Having to get to know new siblings and navigate waters of living between two households.  

Fast forward many years to living in Calgary, Alberta attended University of Calgary and studied Latin American culture….. Endured a long and restless and unsettled relationship that truly was not about me thriving, but more about me surviving and co-dependent not by recognition.  Moved to Kelowna BC  and here I met my now husband and began my family……

After having my daughter life began to unearth within me…all the years of burying my emotions, putting aside my desires and not listening to what was happening on the inside the darkest part of life ensued.  Undiagnosed postpartum depression was certainly something I wasn’t expecting- I was losing time and moments, memories were fading faster than I could create new ones. The love was seeping from my core, I only had thoughts of despair and darkness or suicide- always looking for ways to escape the uncomfortable feelings I was experiencing.  Life simply did not feel JOYFUL or worth it for most of my minutes of my days.  I would lose track of my kids, I was not engaging in play and playfulness with them, I would call myself a rhino in a china shop having a tantrum on a regular basis.  

During the search of what I wanted to do, where to work, many interviews and an inkling that I just didn’t want to be away from my kids….the feeling of being lost was oh so overwhelming. 

Nothing fit, nothing jived with my vision or my dream! So I began in Network Marketing….and as this wasn’t my path it lead me in to personal development, it gave me connections to my now spiritual mentor and coach Joy Kingsborough.  I dove into this world with so much love for what I knew was possible, how I knew I could feel and that the depression and anxiety were no longer going to be the ruler of me, placing one piece of my puzzle, the tapestry that is woven in the mix of finding myself and my truest passion.  Soon after I began coaching I saw this path, it opened up and I just KNEW with all my heart I was meant for something much larger. I was meant to create ripples in the world that make you go HMMMMMMMMM.  I am here to spread love and LOVE is just who I am, it’s the golden thread that links me to my humanity and my soulful self.  


I found a love for numbers and numerology to looking beyond the illusion to find the solution. To listen deeply and with conviction for all with whom I come into presence with. That Elevating the level of LOVE on this planet was my prophecy.  I am here for YOU! 


I am here to help you discover your MAGIC, to reconnect with your soul and the purpose of being YOU! 


You can be a mother or a father and raise amazing kids even with depression and anxiety. You can grow and evolve as you live and experience life. You can slow down and be still in the moments of chaos and life will still be filled with JOY!  When I found my most inner peace was when I connected with my whole heart to GRATITUDE! 

Life coach Heather J Ruth its all about your connection to YOU

I was willing to walk the jagged edge of that mountain to see

something else - when I was considering not being here

I KNEW I could handle it.

I want others to understand that

listening and having compassion first to self is the key to this journey.

I use numerology, universal laws, and other things to walk with

people through this journey.


Soul Fire Methodology

  • Hold the light in your hand


    It all starts with building a connection back with self, to understanding you are not separate. Using the Universal Law of One we navigate present triggers, present awarensses as we move in unity with the Divine timing Cycle

  • Self love is key to thriving


    Having the ability to look inside first before the outside to learn to receive all that you desire and to know that it is already with you. Learning to flow in acceptance to elevate your present experience in life.

  • Embody

    The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning. There are little mini rebirths and deaths as we evolve. Once we are in the embodiment stage we are taking self responsibility, elevating action steps and experiencing transformation